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At PetClassified our top priority is the safety and welfare of all pets rehomed through our site


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ID verified breeders and buyers to make our site even safer and more transparent.


Home of Pet Payments

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A dedicated team to ensure animal welfare and pet safety

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The UK Latest Pet Industry Report 2024

PetClassified is part of Pet Media Group, the largest pet rehoming group globally. In the UK,PetClassified rehomes more than 1 million pets per year equating to c. 1/3rd of all puppies advertised inthe country. Our mission is to give pets the best life possible, by creating a trusted and safe ecosystemfor them to find the loving and caring homes they deserve.

Important announcement: changes to American Bully XL adverts on PetClassified

To be compliant with the ban, we will be removing all American Bully XL advertisements from our "For sale," "For stud," and "For adoption" categories. This includes pictures and any relevant information.

How pet parents can get involved in World Cleanup Day

Roll up your sleeves on 16th September, it’s World Cleanup Day 2023! On the 7th anniversary of WorldCleanup Day, the organisers are hoping to go bigger and better than ever before. As a species we’recreating insane amounts of waste, and so much of it is plastic. As a dog owner you can help - read on tolearn about how you can get involved!

Dog health issues by breed type

Dogs have evolved a long way from their wild ancestors, and are now a truly diverse species, coming in a huge variety of sizes, body shapes, coat types, features and personalities. Both humans and dogs have benefitted from canine domestication (they are man’s best friend, after all!), but the rigorous selection of certain genetic traits has its downsides

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